My free pastry - just out of reach....

I was so excited to wake up today and go to Starbucks for my FREE PASTRY with any purchase of a beverage (saw the offer on facebook). So my boyfriend AJ and I woke up at the crack of 10 o'clock went to get our free treats. As we wait in line I start dreaming about my venti iced latte and I picked out the perfect pastry, Rasberry Sunshine Muffin (it was the last one left). So I get in line and we order our drinks and the barista says nothing about the free pastry. So I looked at her and asked with my big puppy dog eyes "Don't we get free pastries today?"
She responds: "Not without a coupon."
My heart instantly deflates and we leave sans rasberry muffin :(

Like usual, I got way too excited and totally forgot about being practical.

However, I looked at the nutrition facts for the muffin and now I'm glad i didn't eat it (340 calories). Never again will I trust the label "low fat."

On a healthier note...

After work, I took my friend Kelsey on my jogging route in my neighborhood. It was so much more fun with someone else and I had a great time. I'm so proud of myself for making running an everyday thing for me. It was the hardest thing for me in P.E. class in school and now I'm doing it for fun. I feel like I've come a long way haha! I run/walk about 1.2 at least 4 days a week on average (I try to do it everyday though!).

I'm still working on my weightloss stuff and so far its not a total failure, like the times I've tried to lose before. I don't want to publish any official numbers, but lets just say I'm fitting into my clothes a lot better so far and it makes me happier than I've ever been!

Sooo I'm bad at posting.

So it turns out that I am much more of a fan of reading other people's blogs, then writing posts myself. SURPRISE SURPRISE! Its so much easier. I never would have thought, I'd be so addicted to this website. It definitely gives me something to do when I'm not working, which is unfortunately all the time for the last two weeks. I've only been scheduled for 2 DAYS in the last 2 WEEKS! I'm not sure if this place is over-employed or slow on business; but I'm looking to make A LOT of money this summer. Hopefully things speed up because I love this job!!

On a more interesting note, I'm addicted to For those of you who aren't familiar with the greatest firefox add-on ever, its a website where you click a little button on your browser and it takes you to a page that is recommended for you, based on your interests. I love it, it has shown me so very interesting things, and entertained me forever! So here I'm going to give you guys a few of my favorite stumbleupons. ENJOY :D

Sketch Swap - You doodle a picture and one gets sent back to you from another sketch artist.

Sharpie Basement

Letter to a Teacher - Probably one of the most hilarious things I've seen

10 Futuristic Laptop Concepts

Missouri Skies - A little local beauty

20 Awesome Gadgets

Have Fun!!